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If you want to have a “practice partner” to hold rhythm for you while you try different parts, solos, or making up your own rhythms, this is a good package for you. In these sessions there is no verbal instruction, just an introduction and then a nice long groove of two or three instruments played very steadily with minimal variation. The sound of this unvarying groove helps you to internalize the drum song and intuitively know where you are in the cycle.
The Vol 5 Groove Session package contains 3 tracks of different instrument combinations. Session Length 24:12 min
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1) Connect the Syllables to Drum Strokes
Practice each drum stroke separately and speak the syllable as you hit the drum. Do this many times – you’re learning a kinesthetic language – connecting your voice and your hands.
If you need to review the syllables, hand positions and sounds on your drum, click here.
2) Speak Drum Language – Make Sentences:
Now learn the syllables for a drum pattern (for example, the tumba for Afoxé). Go slowly. Speak the sounds out loud and learn to say them effortlessly so they feel like a sentence.
3) Orient Yourself – Syllables with the Pulse:
Next, clap the pulse while speaking the syllables. This will show you how the drum part (via the syllables) relates to the main beat.
4) Make a Sentence with your Hands:
Now that you’ve learned a sentence in drum language map the vocal sounds to hand positions on the drum. (You can do this without a drum, but make sure you’re saying the syllables out-loud. You can practice this on a table, your body, anywhere).
5) Say the Sentence On the drum:
Say and play the drum rhythm. Notice that the drum is saying what the voice is saying and the voice is saying what the drum is playing.