
Handwork — Why is it important what hand I use?

Handwork — Why is it important what hand I use? 150 150 Pulsewave

When playing a single drum in front of you, one of the most important decisions the player is constantly confronted with is what hand to use for a given stroke…

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Rhythm Tip – Afoxé

Rhythm Tip – Afoxé 300 202 Pulsewave

Rhythm Tip #1 This is a bell pattern for the Afro-Brazilian rhythm Ijexa’ (pronounced “ee jay shah”), which is part of the Candomble’ religion. The rhythm is also known as…

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Rhythm Tip – Samba Reggae

Rhythm Tip – Samba Reggae 700 408 Pulsewave

Rhythm Tip #2 This pattern is part of several rhythm styles from the northeast of Brazil and is played on a variety of instruments including tamborim, agogo, and caxia as…

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Slap Happy

Slap Happy 150 150 Pulsewave

The so called “slap” sound is one of the dominant sounds of the conga and djembe. The technique can be applied to nearly any drum and many other surfaces. I…

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